How LED lighting can help your business meet its emissions targets

26 Jan

In 2019, the UK Government passed a law stating that it would bring all greenhouse gas emissions to ‘net zero’ by 2050. 

By net zero, we mean that the amount of greenhouse gases (like carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide) produced is equal to that removed from the earth’s atmosphere.

To ensure that the UK meets this ambitious target, businesses all across the country are playing their part. From installing solar panels and swapping company cars for electric vehicles, to planting trees and recycling more, there is a lot that can be done.

It’s estimated that nearly 30% of UK businesses have a strategy in place for lowering emissions. This gives companies a goal to achieve and means they can quickly gain the benefits that becoming more carbon-neutral can offer.

One of the most efficient ways to reach net zero in your business is to review your existing lighting setup. Swapping old halogen bulbs and fluorescent lighting for LED lights means you can help reduce carbon dioxide emissions not only for your company, but also for the planet.

Here’s how switching to LED lighting can help your business achieve emissions targets and become more sustainable.

What is LED lighting?

An LED, or light-emitting diode, is an effective electrical lighting source used by residential, commercial, and industrial buildings.

LEDs work by passing an electrical current through a microchip, which causes light to generate. Conversely, traditional incandescent lighting produces light by creating heat.

It’s expected that LEDs will account for 85% of all bulbs sold by 2030 and help save 1.26 million tonnes of carbon dioxide.


Why does LED lighting help reduce emissions?

LED lighting is now the lighting of choice for many businesses, with the Government banning the sale of traditional light sources like halogen light bulbs.

So, how is LED lighting the green alternative?


LEDs create more light and less heat

Traditional lighting produces light, but also heat. This heat is wasted energy as it isn’t used anywhere.

LED lights create less heat as a waste product. While traditional light sources create about 20% light and 80% heat, LEDs produce 70% light and 30% heat.


LEDs don’t use as much power

As LEDs produce more light and less heat, buildings can use lower-wattage LED lights and get the same effect.


LEDs provide focused light

LEDs focus light in one direction, whilst other lighting can waste energy by throwing light in all directions. 

This means you can use fewer LEDs to provide a more focused light source.


LEDs last for longer

LEDs have a longer lifespan than traditional lighting – for example, over 50 times longer than incandescent lamps. 

This means less packaging, shipping, and storage is needed to replace old lighting, resulting in a lower carbon footprint.


LEDs are recyclable

At the end of life, LEDs can be recycled. This means the electrical components within the LED can be repurposed into new lighting. 

Halogen and fluorescent lighting contain toxic materials like mercury, meaning this lighting has to be disposed of in a certain way. Alternatively, it just ends up in landfill, which can be hazardous to the environment.


LEDs can be managed remotely

Switching to LED lighting also means you can futureproof your building and take advantage of modern technology. 

For example, you can install an Internet of Things (IoT) ecosystem to turn your lights off and on from a smartphone, or monitor energy usage remotely. This reduces the chances of leaving lights on accidentally.


A sustainable environment means better business opportunities

Another benefit of using LED lighting to help reach your emission targets, as well as becoming more environmentally friendly, is that you can win new business.

With corporate social responsibility at the forefront of many other businesses’ minds, utilising LED lighting is something you can mention in tender proposals and pitches.

Becoming sustainable also means more chances of attracting top talent, with over two-thirds of people saying they are more likely to apply for and accept jobs from eco-friendly companies.


The other benefits of LED lighting to your business

Switching to LED lighting doesn’t just help you meet your emissions targets, become more sustainable, and grow your business. There are a wide range of other benefits too.

LED lighting is more cost-effective than traditional filament lighting, meaning your utility bills could be lowered by as much as 70%. Not only this, but as they last longer and are lower maintenance, they provide a better return on investment.

You may also find that making a move to LED lighting can improve employee productivity and morale too. Brighter, more efficient lighting doesn’t just make people happier and more alert, but also reduces the risk of workplace accidents. 


Make the move to more sustainable lighting with LED Industrial Lighting

We hope this guide has explained the benefits of LED lighting and how it can help if you have a plan of action to reduce your emissions.

Whether you’re moving to a new building or need to overhaul your existing lighting infrastructure, we’re here to help.

Our team of lighting experts design, supply, and install LED lights for the commercial and industrial sector. As an independent LED lighting consultancy, we’ll work with you to find the right lighting solution for your business needs.

We offer a free consultation where we’ll assess your current lighting and suggest how you can make improvements to not only meet your emission targets, but exceed them. 

Get in touch today to book your no-obligation telephone or video call.